Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Natural Eye Makeup Remover

Hello Lovelies,

Yes, it has been a while but I am back and ready to get things going again.

I recently ran out of my favorite Simple brand eye makeup remover and I needed one desperately and thought of other options I can use. First I tried Cetaphil lotion for sensitive skin, as I remembered my mom used to tell me that lotion can remove makeup, but it didn't do it well. So then I thought back to a post I read online that coconut oil is one of the holy grail natural products for all things beauty. I grabbed a spoonful of coconut oil and warmed up a bit between my fingers and like magic all my makeup came off!

Being the search-aholic that I am, I looked into it online and many people have raved about the benefits of using coconut oil as a makeup remover, especially because it can help grow your lashes. I have been using it for a couple of weeks now and see why everyone loves it so much!

Hope you enjoyed this quick little post!


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